Some people can’t stand the smell, even if it is very slight. The paints which are eco-friendly and have low or no VOC levels, almost do not smell. Individuals with respiratory conditions find it hard to work around wet or dry paint. Commercial painting requires that you consider how the paint will impact the customers. When pregnant women breathe in fumes, they are at risk. Recommended site!

Although researchers haven’t fully assessed the damage, it is still dangerous for pregnant women.

This problem can be solved by making better decisions when choosing the paint. Volatile Organic Compounds are usually lower in paints of higher quality. On the label of the paint, you will find specifics as to the level of VOCs in that paint. To help you make your choice, it is easy to use the labels on paints to compare numbers. You can even find paints with zero VOC, although they are more expensive. They offer many benefits when compared to other paints. Paint that has been rated low VOC emits less fumes when it dries and comes in various colors.

In residential projects, fumes are more intense the wetter it is. The paint will outgase fumes until the cure, which can take up to a full month. For a couple of weeks, you’ll be breathing in a lot of fumes. More ventilation will help the paint to cure faster. Open windows to encourage cross ventilation. Place a small fan next to or inside a window and open the windows to send odors outdoors.

If you paint early, you’ll have more time before closing windows at night to allow your room to breathe. The paint dries much more slowly when it is extremely humid. Turn off the humidifier or turn it on if your home has one. It will make paint dry much faster.

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